Publication Date: 2001-10-00
Author: Barnett, Harvey
Source: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY.
Successful K-12 Technology Planning: Ten Essential Elements. ERIC Digest.
Over the last 20 years, K-12 schools have spent millions of dollars equipping their schools with the latest technologies, but often without a thoughtful plan of how their use would impact learning and teaching. Computers, like other technologies when they were new--such as radio, television, motion pictures, and video--were expected to substantially change education simply by making it more exciting and interactive.
But technology use is not about the hardware, Internet connections, and so on. What is important is how the technology is integrated with the instructional program. The guiding question technology leaders must keep in mind as they develop their plan is, "Are students using technology in ways that deepen their understanding of academic content and advance their knowledge of the world around them?" (When we use the word "technology," we refer to more than computers. Technology includes the whole array of new technologies including, video, digital cameras, handheld computers, cell phones, and other devices still in development.)
To ensure that technology dollars have an impact on students, staff, and the community, districts and schools must develop a thoughtful technology plan. Technology plans that help districts and schools to use technology effectively include all of the ten steps that follow.